Equality used to be a core belief of American leftists. It was the justification for wildly successful Leftist movements such as women’s suffrage and civil rights. These movements resulted in sweeping changes to the culture, which ultimately lead to changes in the constitution. There was now a solid blueprint for stoking revolution and seizing power in America. For decades to come, leftists would label their political opponents as racists and misogynists, who wanted to turn back the clock on equality.

This strategy worked swimmingly for a long time. There were plenty of straight white men in positions of power to brow-beat into submission. However as time went on, it became apparent that peak equality had been achieved. You could see black people and women taking many of positions of power, all over the country. This culminated in the election of a brown man as president in 2008. Clearly there was nothing holding people back from pursuing their desires anymore.

As it turned out, achieving equality was problematic for the leftist ideology. The ideology was dependent on there being an oppressed group to justify its existence. However, many people from these so called oppressed groups were now in leadership roles. Yet people’s standard of living was declining. With no equality to scapegoat, there was a real possibility that these “oppressed” voters could finally wake up.

It was at this point the leftists abandoned equality for equity. Pushing equity meant they would be openly discriminating against entire groups that were subjectively deemed to have unfair advantages in life. This was a true mask off moment for the entire ideology. It meant they would now be buying off their constituents with job opportunities and handouts to keep them loyal.

Biden’s Top Priority

Biden’s administration did not wait long to start making government more equitable. On day one of his presidency, he signed Executive Order 13985, “Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government.” This E.O. did not immediately change anything. It was a virtue signal to set the tone of his administration and assure his constituents that more equity policies would be coming soon. Two years later, Biden signed Executive order 14091, “FURTHER Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government.” This E.O. actually created equity teams within all of departments of the federal government. These teams would be policing the departments to ensure that the people they hired were members of the “correct” group and that the money they spent went to those same groups.

Biden and the other leftists are not in control of his administration. They are all puppets of the oligarchs and their regime that has ruled the West for multiple generations. These people do not care about so-called equity. They care about their power and their agenda to obtain more of it. Pushing equity is a means to that end.

Their power is derived from the parasitical exploitation of our human energy. This is done through currency creation and taxation. The banks loan our governments currency, created from nothing, to spend on equity handouts and all kinds of other crap. Then the tax payer works hard to pay the government, which then pays back the banks with interest. The oligarchs who control the banks have become unbelievably wealthy thanks to this system. They don’t want it to stop because obviously it is a sweet deal for them, but also because it is a Ponzi scheme. This means that they need an ever expanding pool of tax payers to service the debt, or else the system will collapse. This brings us back to equity and why it is truly being pushed from the top down, via leftist puppets like Biden.

Why The Oligarchs Push Equity

The reason the oligarchs push equity policy is because of demographics and the need to fund their Ponzi scheme. Currently, white people pay the majority of the taxes in this country. So why wouldn’t the oligarchs be kissing their ass for funding the Ponzi scheme? Because demographics and voting patterns. White people do not have sufficient birth rates to replace themselves and provide the ever expanding funds needed for the Ponzi scheme. White people also tend to be more nationalistic and conservative, which goes against the oligarchs’ agenda of globalism and satanism. Because of this, the oligarchs have made the conscious decision to import a new tax base from around the world.

In the oligarch’s view, the continuation of their reign is more important than the ethnic and cultural identity of the nations they rule over. Naturally, the original white populations will oppose replacement within their ancestral nations. The oligarchs are well aware of this and that is why equity is the policy of the day. The corporations, the governments, the schools, and all the other institutions are serving the oligarchs by adopting equity policies that put white men last. This is intended to intimidate the white population as their resources and communities are redistributed to groups favored by the oligarchs.

This solution to the demographic problem is not even likely to work in the long term. The people they are bringing in are not producing at the same level as the sterile whites. In many cases these immigrants actually take more from the system than they give. The oligarchs likely know this as well and could be opening the flood gates to immigration as a catalyst to cause chaos and bring down the Ponzi scheme on their own terms. This way they can come in to the rescue and offer their new system as the solution to the problems they caused.

The oligarchs are perfectly fine with mass deaths and chaos as part of a system reset. World War 2 was what happened last time the oligarchs switched systems. The chaos from our current Ponzi scheme collapsing would likely impact every one of us, regardless of your ethnicity. As their Ponzi scheme moves closer to its end, the oligarchs are pushing Equity as a desperate divide and conquer tactic. If you are a group benefiting from these immoral policies, you can enjoy it while it lasts. Politicians like Biden might pretend to have your back and give you some resources for now. But when the chaos ensues, don’t be surprised when you are one of the first thrown under the bus.