Orwellian doublethink is common in today’s political discourse. A good example of this is the way in which American politicians label their enemies as “a threat to Democracy.” This label implies that the accusatory politicians care deeply about the citizenry’s right to vote. In reality, the citizens’ vote has little influence over the direction of our country. Most of our politicians are owned by wealthy oligarchs who have their own agendas for the country. So when the politician says something is a threat to Democracy, they actually mean it is a threat to the agenda of their masters.

Joe Biden called Trump a “threat to Democracy” earlier this year in a speech he gave to commemorate the January 6th mostly peaceful protest. Hillary Clinton has been talking about her concern for our Democracy ever since Trump was democratically elected in 2016. Barrack Obama also can’t give a speech these days without mentioning the impending threat to our Democracy, posed by problematic opinions on the internet. These people are well paid and likely blackmailed puppets of the oligarchs. They claim to care about Democracy while vilifying key aspects of Democracy. Aren’t Protests, elections, and free speech the core essence of the Democratic process? In Orwell’s 1984 the authoritarian government’s doublethink slogan was “War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength.” Our authoritarian government’s slogan would be “oligarchy is democracy.”

The irony is that there are serious threats to our Democracy, but not in the way our dirty politicians say. For example, ever since Trump got elected, there has been a concerted effort by our corrupt institutions to discredit, impede, and persecute him. The democratic way would be to back the fuck off and let Trump govern like the voters wanted. But that will never happen.

Another example of a threat to our Democracy would be the election fraud that happens all the time. In 2020 they sent out a record number of mail in ballots due to Covid. Then, in unprecedented fashion, they shut down the results counting in the middle of the night in multiple swing states. American election security is third world tier but every time some changes are proposed, the politicians cry racism or some other ridiculous excuse. Aren’t free and fair elections the literal definition of Democracy?

lastly, these same politicians crying about our precious Democracy are the same ones doing nothing about our open borders. How can you claim to care about the citizens’ right to vote while at the same time flooding the country with new people that dilute the citizens’ voting power?

The wicked always like to invert reality and accuse others of what they themselves are doing. So next time you hear some dirty politician labeling something a threat to Democracy, you can safely assume that thing is a threat to the agenda of the oligarchs.

Elon, Elon, Elon. Everyone seems to be riding the Elon band wagon these days. Elon fan boys are praising Elon as a kind of genius, leading humanity into the future with his high tech companies. His latest company addition was Twitter, which he purchased for an astounding $44 Billion. Elon must have had a good reason for spending so much to acquire the company. According to Musk: “The reason I acquired Twitter is because it is important to the future of civilization to have a common digital town square, where a wide range of beliefs can be debated in a healthy manner without resorting to violence.” He went on to say “I didn’t do it to make more money. I did it to try to help humanity, whom I love. And I do so with humility, recognizing that failure in pursuing this goal, despite our best efforts, is a very real possibility.” Many people see Elon’s statements and believe he is a righteous man. But if you stop and think about the implications of these statements, you can see his intentions are evil.

Musk claims to want a “town square, where a wide range of beliefs can be debated.” Being a range of beliefs, rather than all beliefs, means that some people fall outside of the range and are therefore excluded from the debate. The new CEO of twitter, Linda Yaccarino, has echoed this idea that there will be a range of acceptable content. She says users will have “freedom of speech, but not freedom of reach.” In other words, if users’ content falls outside of the range, they can still use the platform, but they will not be permitted to trend.

Having a range of acceptable content on Twitter is not a bad thing. Things like porn, gore, and fraud are objectively blasphemous and ought to be excluded. But what objective morality is Elon basing Twitter’s range on? There is tons of porn on Twitter today and people with controversial opinions are still getting shadow-banned or suspended. So Elon’s content moderation policy appears to be more lenient than Twitter was before, but it still tampers with true trending viewpoints. Time will tell who benefits from this tampering and where the Overton Window goes from here.

Musk says his intentions with Twitter are not about money and that he wants to help humanity, whom he loves. This is a pathetic virtue signal. Clearly it’s not about the money as he just burned $44 billion on a GitHub repository (coding joke sorry). What else on Earth could drive Elon to want to control the unprofitable platform that essentially dictates the western news cycle and people’s perception of reality? Oh I don’t know. Maybe satanic POWER! You can’t honestly believe that Elon truly gives a damn about humanity because he lets a few low influencing people say some truths. It’s like Bill Gates investing his money into contraceptives to reduce population in Africa because he cares so much about humanity. Of course it’s not about the money. It’s about the power. It’s about the satanic agenda of the elites. That’s why Gates burns cash on population control. That’s why Disney keeps burning cash on woke movies that fail in the box office. That’s why Elon burns cash on one transhumanist venture after another.

Elon’s Transhumanist Intentions

To understand Elon’s evil intentions, you need to understand what the transhumanist and the new world order types envision for the future of humanity. The transhumanist future will be one where man ceases to be human by fusing with machines. Our bodies, minds, and belongings will be connected to the internet for ultimate convenience. This will come at the expense of our privacy and to the benefit of a government seeking total control. It just so happens that almost all of Elon’s companies play a huge role in the infrastructure and systems needed to achieve such a future. Teslas are electric cars that are connected to the internet, which means they can be tracked and installed with remote kill switches. Starlink is the internet satellite company that can connect you to the internet anywhere in the world. Neurolink is the implantable microchip company that will allow you to interact with the internet using your brain. Now there is Twitter which will be the thing that ties us all together in a sort of “spiritual” transhuman hive-mind.

I recently read Leo Zagami’s 6th book titled: Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66: The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics which brilliantly explains this complex concept of how artificial intelligence and the internet (Twitter) are the key tools being used to usher in a centralized human hive-mind or as some call it, a new one world religion. The Darwinian Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin came up with this concept called “the omega point” describing how evolution and technology is taking man to a convergence of the mind where we will share thoughts and knowledge and transcend our differences to become one unified society. This, according to de Chardin, would be the final evolutionary development of man, and bring about the second coming of Christ or the “Universal Christ” as he he puts it. Zagami points out that this “Universal Christ” is not the Jesus Christ of the Bible, but rather a “new age ascended master” counterfeit, that will lead all religions into unity, basically the Anti-Christ. Rather than humanity’s ethos be centered around God and Jesus, it will be centered around the omega point, controlled by an Artificial intelligence false god. Powerful global organization like the U.N. and Pope Francis have voiced admiration for this omega point theory. This explains a lot about the U.N. and the Vatican’s current policy on open borders and one world government! They believe we can have no nations or borders and overcome our differences by ascribing to the transhuman hive-mind. What madness! Sure the policy is resulting in societal collapse as multi-culturalism fails, but they think this is necessary as we transcend to the ultimate end point of human evolution!

Twitter is the mode in which the human minds around the world will interact and come together to form reality or this converged “omega point” in real time. It seems like all of Elon’s companies are essential for this agenda. So while Elon goes on about how much he cares about humanity, he appears to be aligned with the United Nation’s agenda for a nationless one world government. Naive conservatives fail to see that Elon is the ultimate false prophet and is doing the bidding of the Satan. The future will be a dystopian society, devoid of Christian morality and western culture, where people’s perception of reality is dictated by which ever top Twitter influencers have been enabled to rise to the top by the A.I. master. You don’t need Twitter influencers and idols to tell you what is right or wrong. The Christian moral order is the true moral order and way of life. And no A.I. induced order can compete with that!