Alicia Reese’s ego on full display in this promo flyer.

I was recently strolling in the beautiful Smale Park, along the Ohio River. I stopped at one of the swinging benches overlooking the river to have a seat and enjoy the view. The sun was shining. The wind was blowing. It was so relaxing I felt like I could fall asleep.

Then suddenly the shrill and pompous voice of city council member Alicia Reese blared over some speakers behind me. It was a recording playing on a 20 or 30 minute loop. The recording was about how proud Alicia Reese was to have the “Black Music Walk of Fame” built outside the new riverfront music venue. The noise was so loud and obnoxious. I couldn’t believe someone thought this was a nice addition to the river front vibe. The experience was symbolic of how woke culture in general is like an unnatural and abrasive noise disturbing all that is good in society.

Alicia Reese secured $8.5 million from federal Covid handouts back in 2020 to have this race-based plaza built. I am Glad to see pandemic funny money went to good use. The gesture was nothing more than a pathetic virtue signal by Reese. Like many black leftists, she is notorious for putting race first in her political decisions. This is merely a moral cover for her shady deals in the past that have selfishly benefited her family.

Nevertheless, the plaza is a nice looking addition to the music venue. The loud speakers need to go, but the other aspects of the design are fun. It has granite stars in the ground with the names of black musicians from south west Ohio. It also has a few big screens that you can interact with and learn about the black music. Unfortunately, the charm of the plaza is over shadowed by the overt racism of it’s theme.

Why can’t it be a music walk of fame for all musicians, rather than just the blacks ones? This exemplifies how thoroughly inundated with Marxist woke culture our society is. So much so that in a politically correct corporate setting, a group of decision makers can be presented with an idea to do something solely for the benefit of one race, and not one person in the room has the courage to say this is wrong!

From a young age, the general public was taught to associate black Americans with victimhood. So when proposals like this plaza are put forward, the people in charge think they are actually on the side of good. Look around downtown Cincinnati. You will see the massive Black History Museum, the Black Lives Matter mural outside city hall, the Black musicians mural across from the convention center, and more. We had a black president 16 years ago now. Blacks are clearly not victims, but rather special citizens put on a pedestal by virtually all of the powerful institutions in the country.

The oligarchs at the top of the power hierarchy push these divisive race based initiatives. It is a divide and conquer tactic. The cultural revolution in China and the Bolshevik revolution in Russia used similar tactics. The USA is under it’s own color revolution, instigated by our own federal agencies. That is why idiots like Alicia Reese dedicate monuments to only black people with nothing but praise from the oligarchs’ media. This plaza is nothing more than another tribute to the agenda of the oligarchs and an ego trip for Alicia Reese. It should be for musicians of all races. The people who contributed to this should be ashamed.

Another day, another vicious inter-racial attack by young black people in an American city. This time in the heart of downtown Cincinnati. Not once, but twice in the same week! The proximity of the attacks to the city’s downtown business district is causing a lot of concern. As usual, the response from our local media and “leadership” has been, to quote the late-great Colin Flaherty, denial, deceit, and delusion.

Let’s look at this report from WCPO on the incident. They start by referring to the group of black youths as merely a “group of teens.” I am all for discarding racial labels altogether. But the fact of the matter is that WCPO and many of our institutions in this country are obsessed with race. From celebrating black history month to promoting black owned businesses, the corporate media like WCPO has no problem getting racial in order perpetuate the black victimhood narrative. But when black violent crime rears it’s ugly head again, the media suddenly becomes color blind. It is this denial of the facts and victimhood deceit by the media that emboldens young blacks to commit so much crime. They have no fear of any repercussions for their actions.

The report goes on to interview an utterly delusional fellow by the name of Rodney Christian who is apparently president of the East Westwood Community Council. Rodney blames the black youth violence on “challenges they’re going through, like hunger. They are just trying to survive.” No Rodney. The kids are not “hangry” and going around beating the crap out of people. There is an over-arching cultural rot among the black community that no one will dare talk about. The politically correct black-apologists will tell you the issue is a result of systemic racism going back to slavery and Jim Crowe. This excuse has been played for a long time now. But after decades of affirmative action, culminating in a black president in 2008 (16 years ago now!), it is time to hold black people accountable for their actions. It is time to admit there is a cultural rot and discuss the real causes of it.

The Real Reasons

Blacks are not the only group with cultural issues. America as a whole has been socially engineered and demoralized over the years. This was done by our own institutions as a form of control over the populace. As a result, our culture is rife with degeneracy. But there are a lot of data points that indicate Blacks are in a much worse state.

In the 1960s, the US government greatly expanded the welfare state and created an incentive for single motherhood. Black families were devastated by this. Today, Blacks have a much higher single parent rate than the other groups, at over 70%. That is a wildly high amount of black kids running around in a rage over their daddy issues. I wonder how many of these teens that did this latest attack in Cincinnati know their dad?

The lack of a male figure in the home results in kids looking to the media for male role models. The media portrayal of black males today is nothing to look up to. It’s all violence and sex. This inspires the violence and promiscuity we see from the directionless black youth today. Then those kids grow up to have their own kids out of wedlock (if not aborted) and then wind up in jail for crimes. The cycle continues.

Lastly, Blacks have lower genetic cognitive ability than other groups, on average. This results in lower academic performances and lower chances of breaking out of poverty. Talking about genetic differences among racial groups is one of the most taboo topics out there, but it is also one of the most important. For too long, differences of life outcomes among groups has been chalked up to systemic racism. In other words, white people have it easy and are not treating blacks fairly. This is absurd and easily disproven by the fact that Asians and Indians have higher median incomes than whites. Genetic differences are not the only reasons for differences in life outcomes, but it is a big reason. Systemic racism does not exist and this narrative has resulted in a competency crisis, as people are being promoted due to the color of their skin, rather than their ability.


So what is the solution here? I don’t think the media should start bashing blacks everyday to put pressure on them. But they should definitely stop the ridiculous coddling of blacks and pushing victimhood narratives. The media should avoid race altogether, even if they think it is righteous. But they won’t. The media is not there to inform, but to control.

The courts need to put people in jail if they commit crimes and stop being lenient on people because they are black. The lawlessness in America seems to be a deliberate effort by compromised district attorneys to destabilize the nation, but that is a whole other topic.

This may sound cliché but what the blacks (and everyone else) really need is God. They need to forgive their parents for the pain they brought to them and understand that they did the best they could. They need to understand that the pain they feel is from living a life of sin. It is not from the white man bringing them down and making it hard to succeed.

The white population is declining everyday in America. The politicians, police chiefs, teachers, and media people are all non-white these days. We have open borders. The country is being flooded with foreigners. America is in a bad spot. Trying to educate the blacks at this point is a lost cause. They are likely to go down blaming whitey until the very end, even as they are surrounded by Latinos. The programming runs deep and is generational.

As the mortality and disability rates continue to rise across the world following the mass vaccination campaign of 2021, let us not forget how the University of Cincinnati mandated this unproven vaccine on all of their students and faculty. In September 2021, the University announced that they would be putting enormous pressure on the community to get the vaccine. The school threatened to force harsh weekly testing on those who don’t provide documentation, or they would not be allowed to enroll in classes. More than 90% of the students and faculty ended up succumbing to the pressure and got vaccinated. Imagine you are a junior or senior who is already heavily invested into the University and they threaten to kick you out over a personal medical decision. It is no surprise so many decided to just get the vaccine. The mandate was clearly based on emotion and not logic as the University ended it in the summer of 2022, after only one semester of enforcing it.

In January 2022, four students courageously filed a lawsuit against the University for their mandate, but the courts dismissed the case claiming the plaintiffs could not prove the vaccines are causing harm. Perhaps this is true at the time, as 2021 was the the early stages of the vaccination campaign. But as I mentioned previously the data keeps coming in that deaths are on the rise. Life insurance companies are reporting death is on the rise, especially young people suffering cardiac events. Not to mention the Government’s own VAERS vaccine injury reporting database is showing massive numbers of injuries being reported following vaccination. Would this evidence linking the vaccine to bodily harm hold up in the courts? Hopefully organizations like UC that forced this experimental vaccine on their own communities will be held accountable.

I am ashamed to call this school my Alma Mater. Like most western academic institutions today, UC has become a manifestation of the evil, the ugly, and the lie. They have become fabulously rich by accepting any midwit 18 year old with loan money. They use this wealth to buy up huge sections of the city, where they erect hideous academic buildings and student housing that looks like Soviet-era commie blocks. They change the names of famous buildings like The McMicken School of Arts and Science, because Cincinnati philanthropist Charles McMicken was racist or whatever. And now they have forced 1000s of people in their community to take a dangerous vaccination. The academia racquet is in a desperate need of a correction. I hope the internet and the free flow of information can make these rotten institution obsolete sooner rather than later.